

Torrecampo is home to the Posada del Moro Museum, where you will find archaeological remains, handmade objects and an impressive collection of paintings and sculptures, explaining the history, culture and traditions of this village - which has about 1,200 inhabitants.


The origins of Torrecampo date back to medieval times, when residents from Pedroche settled in these lands to flee the plague that was ravaging their town. They, together with inhabitants of Cerro de la Torre, would make up what is now the Villa.

In 1484 it gained its independence and was part of Siete Villas de Pedroche (Seven Villa of Los Pedroches) and subject to the jurisdiction and dominion of Córdoba. Between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries Torrecampo was an obligatory passage from La Mancha; however, after the collapse of the bridge over the Guadalmez, this route deviated and Torrecampo suffered an inexorable decline.

Among the settlements that have populated the area is the Castillo de Mogábar, which was a medieval fortress, populated centuries ago, as well as the Cerro de la Torre, where you can still see remains of what was once a watchtower.


Castillo de Mogábar
The Castle of Mogábar was inhabited from the Chalcolithic to the end of the thirteenth century.

Ermita de Jesús de Nazareno
The Gothic-Mudejar chapel was built during the eighteenth century and underwent reformations in later years, the key ones beingduring the mandate of Cardinal Salazar. The altarpieces and images were damaged by fire in 1936. Located in Plaza de Jesús.

Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia
The chapel was built between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries as a Jewish synagogue, given that the Villa was an obligatory passage for travellers moving from the south towards La Mancha. For many years it was used as a grain store, seriously damaging its architectural elements, such as walls, vaults and, especially, the paintings. During the Civil War, the chapel was vandalised and the images were burned. It has recently been restored.Located on Calle Gracia.

Iglesia de San Sebastián
It is one of the oldest temples in the area, a fact corroborated by its archives, which contain documentation from 1550... a Mudejar Gothic temple dating from the fourteenth century, carved in stone grain. Also worth mentioning is the statue of Jesús Nazareno, the work of sculptor Romero Ortega. It once featured a beautiful medieval tower with balcony and bell, but it was demolished in 1905 because of its poor condition. The new construction was unfinished due to lack of funds and in 1973 the current bell tower was built.Located in Plaza de la Iglesia.

Casa Museo "Posada del Moro"
The museum presents an interesting collection of archaeology, paintings, sculptures and household goods, as well as numerous vestiges of earlier eras recovered in the region. This collection was put together by the previous owner of the museum, Esteban Márquez Triguero, and today belongs to the PRASA Company. The collection is housed in a formerfifteenth century inn, one of many that marked the Camino Real as it passed through the town. It has a Renaissance portal from the beginning of the sixteenth century and a romantic patio, surrounded by cypresses, features a large mosaic of the country and a porch with columns and a capital in the shape of a fleur-de-lis. It is currently undergoing restoration so is therefore closed to the public. Located on Calle del Mudo.

Casa del Casino
The Casino House offers a Gothic façade dating to the fifteenth century. The inside has been transformed over time; originally destined as a Holy Office, it is currently a bar. Located on Calle Jesus.


Santuario de la Virgen de las Veredas
The Gothic-style chapel dates to the sixteenth century,and in 1937 the image of Nuestra Señora de las Veredas was shot at, the bullet lodgingher forehead. It is a polychrome carving of the late fifteenth century, which they call "La Chiquitita". Located about six kilometres north-west of Torrecampo.


For keen nature lovers, head over and explore some of the wonderful landscapes surrounding Torrecampo, such as, Navaluenga, el Membrillo and El Guadamora.


Although no specific crafts are produced in the town, there is still a blacksmith's workshop.


When visiting Torrecampo, try some of their local dishes such as cachorreñas (cod and peppers), migas abajás (fried bread with potato, garlic and tomato), sobrehúsa (broad bean stew), gazpachuela de aves y caza (game stew) and lechón frito (fried pork). Sweet treats include manta de viaje (swiss roll), roscos fritos (fried pastries), borrachuelos (liqueur sponges), natillas caseras (custard) andarroz con leche (rice pudding). During the hot summer months, it is typical to drink limoná, also known as melocotonada, made with Manchego wine, water, sugar and chunks of peaches.


Cabalgata Reyes Magos
Three Kings procession celebrated on the evening of 5 January.

Fiesta de San Sebastián
Celebrated on 20 January.

Celebrated in February.

Semana Santa
Holy Week.

Fiestas de Nuestra Señora de las Veredas
Celebrated 30 April to 4 May.

San Isidro
Celebrated on 15 May.

Fiesta de San Antonio y Romería
Celebrated on 13 June.

San Juan
Celebrated on 24 June.

Fiesta del Virgen del Pilar
Celebrated on 12 October.


The neighbouring villages to Torrecampoare El Guijo, Conquista, Pedroche and Villanueva de Córdoba.
