Monumento Plus Ultra

La Rabida at Sunset
Monumento Plus Ultra - La Rabída

Monumento Plus Ultra

Plus Ultra was a Spanish Aeronautics Military seaplane that conducted its first flight between Spain and America, taking off on 22 January 1926 in front of La Rabida and arriving to Buenos Aires on 10 February 1926.

The flight path was 10,270 km, taking Plus Ultra 59 hours and 30 minutes. The stages were as follows: Palos de la Frontera-Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Las Palmas-Porto Praia (Cape Verde Islands), Porto Praia-Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), Fernando de Noronha-Pernambuco (Brazil), Pernambuco-Río de Janeiro (Brazil), Río de Janeiro-Montevideo (Brazil), Montevideo-Buenos Aires (Argentina).

King Alfonso XIII of Spain donated the Plus Ultra to the Argentinean Navy, where he served as a mail plane until it retired from service and the monument erected in La Rábida was subsidized by Argentina.

Monument is located next to Muelle de las Carabelas.


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