Local trains (Cercanias)


Cercania Train © Renfe
Cercania Train


These trains, which travel at about 75km/h. offer services into the cities Seville, Malaga and Cadiz from their suburbs and towns:

  • Malaga to Fuengirola (calling at Malaga airport and Torremolinos) - C1
  • Malaga to Álora - C2
  • Seville to Utrera - C1
  • Seville to Loria del Rio - C1
  • Seville to Cartuja - C2
  • Seville to Cazalla-Constantina (Sierra del Norte) - C3
  • Seville Santa Justa - FIBES Palacio de Congresos (Exhibition Centre) - C4
  • Seville to Benazón - C5
  • Cadiz to Jerez de la Frontera - C1
Cercanias routes in Andalucia; Seville, Cadiz and Malaga
Cercanias routes in Andalucia; Seville, Cadiz and Malaga
Click on the images below to see an enlarged map of the routes and statioins.

Local trains from Malaga Local trains from Seville Local trains from Cadiz

Local trains from Malaga     Local trains from Seville     Local trains from Cadiz


Tickets for Cercanias are purchased from the ticket office or ticket machines before travel. It is not possible to buy Cercanias tickets online.
