Iberbanda Wimax

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Iberbanda Wimax

Postby irismary » Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:49 am

I have just discovered on another forum that Iberbanda are withdrawing their Wimax service by July 2017. We have received no notification from them that this is so, but a search seems to have confirmed this. Has anyone else received notification from Iberbanda that this will happen, and if so, what date? We live in Huelva. Important to us as we leave for UK 21st June and our house sitters will need internet and phone - so need to get it sorted. Anyone know a good alternative using the present kit for Wimax?

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby ajtg1952 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:44 am

Ours goes off on 28 June. They have directed us to Movistar, who now own them. We received a letter and another that we had to sign for about a month ago.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby irismary » Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:53 pm

Thanks for the reply ajtg1952. From your reply it looks like we would have at least a months warning before we need to make alternative arrangements.
I have now spoken to Iberbanda, and they say that some zones will cease soon, but they will send a notification by post, plus a phone call if/when they pull the plug on us, and on what date, so, we have to wait and see.
Pity as we have been very pleased with the reliable service.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby kexon » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:00 pm

As a Iberbanda customer and having not received any notification I have started looking for alternatives.
Being in the campo the choice is very restricted. I have come across Eurona Sat that seems to fit the bill.
Anyone currently using this company.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby GerryinCajiz » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:49 pm

Winet Telecom have some coverage in Seville (http://www.winetizate.com/) it will depend on where you are. Their main office is in Estepa, but there is a map showing the areas they have coverage on the web site. Cost is most reasonable compared to other providers.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby irismary » Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:05 pm

Thanks Gerry, but no coverage in our bit of Huelva right on the border with Portugal. We are looking into Fortec via the Iberbanda in English website. Same price, but phone line based via Movistar. We always wanted to avoid phone lines being in a small village at the end of the line, terrible download speeds, which is why we changed to Wimax. Nothing yet from Iberbanda.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby olive » Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:58 pm

Couple of suggestions.

3 or 4G MiFi but would be limited monthly bandwidth.

Tooway satellite Internet via Bentley Walker but again limited monthly bandwidth.

Movistar Fusion Rural at 75 euros a month probably doesn't fit the bill. It is unlimited but the package is Internet, TV, landline and two mobiles- one of which has a decent data allowance. Only available in non fibre/copper areas. http://www.movistar.es/particulares/tel ... plus-radio

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby bbobandannie » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:25 pm

We did consider the WiMAX option as we are also in the campo. However, we decided upon the movistar 3g router option. Its unlimited (60 Euros a month) and fairly reliable. Obviously it depends upon your 3g connection. We do have the odd issue, mostly when there is a fiesta in the village which attracts tourists as they all seem to have 3g phones sucking our speed away. Its not faultless though ( I would estimate about 90% of the time no issues with HD telly) with speeds shown as high as 13Mb but also as low as 3Mb, with buffering on the tv. We are in Ardales by the way, so no other real option. Also, the engineer will check your speed when installing, though again, that can change a lot. I guess you could get a speed checker app on your phone and check coverage in advance.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby ajtg1952 » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:55 am

Having been with Iberbanda for nearly 10 years and lived with less than 1 Mb, we have today changed to Axartel with 6 Mb. Total luxury.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby kexon » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:13 pm

Has anyone received a definite answer to what is happening with Iberbanda, I actually had an email reply that just stated contact the 1632 number which just goes dead without ringing.
If I cannot contact Iberbanda I therefore cannot cancel my account if I go elsewhere.
The Iberbanda in English site says Iberbanda is ceasing but I am very suspicious that is a sales ploy on their part to drum up business for companies they can recommend and gain commissions. Or have I lived in Spain too long thinking like that?

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby ajtg1952 » Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:36 pm

The 1632 number always works for me and if you phone after 5 there is an option to speak to someone in English. It is definitely not a sales ploy. They have sold their business to Movistar who are only offering fiber or satellite systems.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby irismary » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:05 pm

It has finally happened. We have had the call from Movistar to say our Wimax service will finish at the end of October. We are toying with going onto Quantis satellite system, which is relatively expensive for a virtually unlimited service. Has anyone gone down this route, and how satisfactory is it? The alternative is Movistar, but we are in a village, at the end of the line so to speak, copper cables, and previously the download speeds were pretty dismal, less than 3Mb, although they are now saying we can get up to 8Mb. But unlimited downloads. Anyone in the same position, i.e. remote village, using Movistar?

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby telboy » Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:47 am

Any update on all those former Iberbanda users.

Kexon - Did you find out anymore on Eurona Sat? I have found another Quantis Global with satellite connection as irismary mentioned.

We still seem to be connected with Iberbanda at the moment. So trying to find alternative providers for when our time comes. Don't fancy the super expensive alternatives Iberbanda are trying to flog us, especially anything to do with Movistar (Apparently voted the worst Spanish company for the 3rd year running). There's not much choice for us in more remote areas, some of our expat neighbours over the hillside who were using Tooway have changed to JetNet I think this is also a Wimax system but I am not sure we are within range of their mast.


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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby ajtg1952 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:08 am

We have changed to Axartel. The seem to keep their light under a bushel but once we found them we can't fault the service we have received.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby telboy » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:30 am

ajtg1952 - Axartel are local to you you in Axarquia. There are many options for those of you nearer the coast.

Apparently Quantis Global and EuronaSat are the same company. They feature their tariffs on their sites as being unlimited and then in the same sentence say 'unlimited at night only' for all their options.

What is confusing is with these providers is that if you sign up for a tariff of say 30Gb pm at 20mbps and you go over your allocated 30Gb then your connection speed is reduced, doesn't sound that bad really since with Iberbanda I am getting upto 3mbps, so if I went over my tariff limit then surely the reduced speed would no lower than 3mbps!


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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby olive » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:32 am


I am mindful that 907 service might go and we would be somewhat compromised by not being able to watch TV via Internet in the event. We currently have 40Gb a month spread equally over Tooway sat and a roaming sim we use on our travels. That roams over Movistar but is pretty flaky at times.

I had more or less resigned myself to the very pricey but all encompassing Movistar Rural Fusion radio http://www.movistar.es/particulares/tel ... plus-radio but suspect that being so far from Loja where I know there is a 4G transmitter our unlimited service would be 3G and that would be the patchy quality we get on our roaming SIM (which uses movistar here). I believe Movistar also do an unlimited 3g internet at only 60 euros a month. The other providers don't seem to have an unlimited offer any more.... What else are Iberbanda suggesting as alternatives please?

Spurred into action by your earlier today posting, I rang Jetnet having had a look at their website. All the local villages including Fuente de Cesna are shown as having 100% cobertura. the chap said send me your GPS co rds and I will check for you. [email protected] . In the past I have tried Iberbanda twice and each time found we live in a no service area unless we erect a forty foot mast!

I have a suspicion that Quantis global use the KA satellite system used by other companies like Bentley walker who I am with. So in effect are just resellers of the one system but have their own tariffs. BW Tooway is unlimited at night ( 1p.m. till 8 a.m. here) and is useful if you get up in the night to kick off some big downloads e.g. Windows updates, iplayer programmes. Each month I bust the 20Gb allowance and then you go to painfully slow but guaranteed 256k. It works but reminds me of the early days of Internet.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby telboy » Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:24 pm

Olive - Not too hopeful with JetNet, one of our expat neighbours over the hill in the next valley says if we can see the BP Station (the one on the road out of Iznajar heading south to the Granada-Seville motorway) then we are OK as the mast is on the hill behind the garage, not from our valley though.
The JetNet Spain website in English doesn't work - look at the Spanish options and click on 'Ver cobertura' this gives you the options of checking if their service is available in your area. Despite JetNet being a Granada based company they do not provide the service in some of our local towns/villages, namely Loja and Algarinejo, They service Zagra & Fuentes de Cesna or parts of these areas because the mast I mentioned at the BP station is visible from there looking along the Embalse de Iznajar.

I believe Tooway, Global and Eurona are the same company/group, none of these do unlimited.

The alternative offered by Iberbanda is the one you mentioned which I think is 4/3G Fortec-Tiekom a Movistar provider, it is installed and maintained by them at 10Mbps/800K. Monthly fee 55€ with landline phone 60€, installation fee of 100€ or FREE for existing Ibrerbanda customers, contract 6months unlimited upload/download. Looks like this is our only option really. I will look into Winet when I can, I think there is a shop in Lucena.

Yikes 256k is slow. When you said BM Tooway is unlimited at night did you mean to put 1pm to 8am or should it be 1am - 8am

Cheers, keep us informed of any progress.


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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby olive » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:40 pm

oops, sorry Terry meant 1.a.m to 8 a.m. for the unlimited period. (12 till 7 in the UK)

That is interesting about their Jetnet Transmitter near the BP station ( I think it is called tres provincias?). Their website shows Balerma as having 100% coverage but there is a hill in the way I believe. Maybe a second transmitter elsewhere? Zagra or Iznajar maybe.
Jetnet came back quick enough when I sent them my GPS co ords and said yes you have coverage. Worth sending them your co ords by email. The Iberbanda website used to have coverage maps with all areas of a map that could receive service one colour . Bit like a weather map! Our house was 50 metres outside. Hence we could have service with a say 40 metre high mast (at our expense). Too much competition for Jetnet in Loja (Loja TV and the 4G transmitter) but they may have Algarinejo area in hand? a chat with their tecnico Marco Rodriguez might be productive.

Sorry if I have mentioned it before but Loja TV are expanding their operations throughout the area to move on from reliance on cabled areas for growth. They put a receiver/transmitter in to a centralised location e.g. vilage hall and then they are able to offer a "complete" service of digital Tv, Internet and presumably landline/movils. It won't be cheap and probably will work out a bit cheaper than the Movistar radio fusion. I have never found their office! but rang them and asked when for our location. Not for a while was the answer. I know they are considering Ventorros de las Lagunas so maybe Fuente de Cesna too. Might be worth asking your Alcalde?

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby olive » Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:21 pm

one hand giveth and the other taketh away.

Jetnet contacted me today having said on Saturday the GPS co ords are serviceable "Hemos recibido un correo consultando una cobertura.

Hemos comprobado las coordenadas que nos han mandado, y en estos momentos no podemos darle cobertura en esa zona.

Con la telefonía móvil, no hay problema, pero de internet no sería posible."

back to the drawing board...... Ebay for forty foot mast kits.

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Re: Iberbanda Wimax

Postby TorreDelAguila » Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:47 pm

Might be worth speaking with Fobos Telecom (645 029 001, Michael). They did have an operation in part of Granada, but not sure what they covered.
Here, we get a rock solid 12Mb/s down, 4 up.

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