Museo Internacional Arte Naïf
The International Museum of Naive Art, also known as the International Museum of Naive Art “Manuel Moral”, is an art gallery situated in the left wing of the Villardompardo Palace. The collection was initiated by Manuel Moral Mozas, a naïve style artist from Torredelcampo, who donated his private collection to the Provincial of Jaén. It was inaugurated on December 20, 1990 and was the first museum in Spain dedicated to the naïve style. There are 600 works on display by both national and international artists.
Given the lack of naive art museums in Spain, the Provincial Council decided to create a museum dedicated to this artistic style, and after contacting artists and art collectors, inaugurated a temporary exhibition which received a favorable response. The invited artists and collectors, in addition to participating in the exhibition, contributed to its expansion by donating their works. In this way it was able to establish a permanent gallery.
Free Entrance
Tuesday-Saturday, 09:30-21:00hrs
Sunday, 09:00-15:00hrs
Tel: 953 24 88 06
Located in Palacio de Villardompardo. Plaza Santa Luisa de Marillac.