Festivals in Valverde del Camino

Festivals in Valverde del Camino

Carnavales are celebrated 3 days before the start of lent.

Semana Santa
Holy Week processions, dates can vary.

Romería de San Pancracio
Romería de San Pancracio is celebrated between May and June.

Pirulitos de San Juan
Pirulitos de San Juan are celebrated the 24th June.

Velada de Santa Ana
Velada de Santa Ana is celebrated the 26th July. In 1947 a group of neighbours, known as the “Club de los Veinte” created this celebration as small block party but stopped organizing the event in 1972. In 1994, a new group of residents managed to regain the ancestral celebration.

Feria is celebrated the 15th-18th August.

Fiesta de la Virgen del Reposo
Fiesta de la Virgen del Reposo is celebrated the 12th September.


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