Golden Visa

Visados Ley de Emprendedores - Golden Visa - abolished from 3 April 2025

At a cabinet meeting on 9 April 2024, the Spanish Council of Ministers agreed to abolish the golden visa in order to alleviate the housing shortage and make homes more affordable for residents. On 3 January 2025, Organic Law 1/2025 of 2 January was published with measures to improve the efficiency of the public justice service. In Chapter 21, there was an amendment to Law 14/2013, of 27 September 2013, which abolishes investor visas. This measure will enter into force three months later, on 3 April 2025. All investor visas will be abolished. Vested rights will be protected. Applications submitted before 2 April 2025 may continue to be processed for a visa or permit under the rules in place at the time of application. Visas already issued will remain valid until their expiry date, with renewals processed in accordance with the rules in force at the time of original issue.

More than 14,000 golden visas linked to property investment had been granted between 2013 and 2021, with the annual number set to double in 2022. Most beneficiaries have been from China and Russia, but also the UK, the US, Ukraine, Iran, Venezuela and Mexico.

The Spanish Golden Visa is a special resident Visa directed towards Non-EU nationals investing in Spain as part of Europe. 

It is actually a fast-track residents Visa issued  under the ‘Visados Ley de Emprendedores’.

The Law is aimed at investors, entrepreneurs, highly qualified professionals, researchers and workers who carry out intra-corporate movements, as well as their spouses and children under 18 years of age and dependent parents.

The law provides for a streamlining of the Visa processing, and the visa is generally granted (or not) within a period of 10 days.

The residence Visa issued under this Law permits the holder to reside in Spain for one year without the need to process the TIE foreigner identity card. The renewal of the Visa can be undertaken even if the holder has been absent from Spain for more than a year.

The law and Visa is intended to be a route for permanent residence after 2 years and Spanish nationality after 5 years.

Work is permitted with this Vias and travel withing Shengen area of EU for 90 days. About 600 were issued in 2018. The most popular applications were from Chinese and Russian nationals.




The general requirement for the applicant are:

Being over 18 years of age.
Not being illegally resident in Spain already.
Have no criminal record in Spain and in the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years.
Have private health insurance.
Have sufficient financial resources for themselves and for the members of their family during their period of residence in Spain (€ 2,130 per month for the interested party and € 532 for each family member.


Visado de Residencia para Inversores de Capital (RIC)
For investing over 2m € in Spanish Government Treasury Bonds, or 1m € in Spanish company shares, investment funds, bank deposits held for five years.

Visado de Residencia por Adquisición de Bienes Inmuebles (RIV)
For investing over 500k € in Spanish property.

Visado de Residencia para Emprendedores y Actividad Empresarial (REM)
Investors who present a ‘general interest’ business project that is to be developed in Spain, as well as those whose residence is for the principal of developing  an entrepreneurial activity.

Visado de Residencia para Profesionales Altamente Cualificados (TAC)
Specialist highly qualified professionals working for companies.

Visado de Residencia para Formación o Investigación (RIN)
Visa for specialist investigators and trainers who are going to carry out innovative investigation or training for large public or private companies.

Visado de Residencia por Traslado Empresarial (TTI)
For those part of a intra-corporate transfer coming to Spain for professional training with a large company already established in Spain for a process being carried out in Spain.

Visado de residencia para familiares (RFI)
The Visa for the spouse and children under 18 years of age accompanying a applicant.

More details used to be found on the website of Spanish Exterior ministry. We link to a 2022 version of the page archived by the Wayback Machine.Visados Ley de Emprendedores

The actual text of the law can be read in the BOE 140/2013 27 September