The Consumers' Office
Every municipality in Spain has a public office dedicated to informing you, the consumer, regarding your rights and responsibilities in the case you should have any doubts. The offices are known as "OMIC", which stands for "Oficina Municipal de Información al Consumidor". These office are often located at the Town Hall. Look up the address of an office at
Consumo Responde Search by entering the province and the municipality
or at
Minesterio Consumador Search by entering the Region (Andalucia) then Province and review list for the municipality.
Among the questions these offices deal with are those having to do with contracts, guarantees and transactions between shop owners and clients. It is best to bring all receipts and paperwork with you when you approach this office as the advisor assigned to you will usually be happy to go over everything with you. He or she will also need a paper trail in order to point you in the direction of justice should that be necessary.
Consumer issues are oversean by the 'Consumidor' department of the regional government and it functions under the name Consumo Responde. This is their website
Consumo Responde offers information on current laws in Spanish and there citizen service can be contacted by phone, at the toll-free number 900 21 50 80 (business hours from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 and Saturdays from 08.00 to 15.00); Through the email [email protected] from the website contact form or from profiles on social networks.
They offer advice and general and specific information on consumer matters, as well as recommendations on how to fill out complaint and claim sheets, requests for arbitration and complaints on consumer-related issues. They are unable to draft or submit such forms nor offer legal or legal advice.
With or without the help of Consumo Responde, the next step is to raise an official complaint on a 'hoja de quejas y reclamaciones de la Junta de Andalucía. (Complaint form) Here is an explanation on how to do this. and here is a PDF of a complaint sheet.
Every municipality in Spain has a public office dedicated to informing you, the consumer, regarding your rights and responsibilities in the case you should have any doubts. The offices are known… More →
FACUA-Consumers in Action is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. Since its foundation in 1981, it has been dedicated to the defence of consumer rights. FACUA can be considered a… More →
To register a complaint against a bank or other financial entity in Spain, the process is as follows. The first thing you must do is to register a written complaint with the customer service… More →
As a consumer in Andalucia you will find at your disposal dedicated government offices designed to advise you regarding your rights and responsibilities. There are also numerous private consumer… More →
When a consumer, whether resident or tourist has an incident or problem or complaint with any company or comercial entity, hotel, shop or service provider in Andalucia they can register a… More →