Historic Buildings in Baza

Baza has a numbe rof historic building of interest to the visitor, namelt the old town hall, old butchers shops, Golden Spouts Fountain, the Enríquez Palace, Royal Granary Building and the Palace of the Royal Duke.

Town Hall
The present day Town Hall of Baza is housed in a recently refurbished 18 th century building. The pillared central patio of limestone and brickwork is very impressive.

The Old Town Hall
Built between 1530 and 1590, this is the only existing example in the Granada Province of a renaissance town hall. After having served as the town hall continuously fro 450 years, it was restored in the 1980’s and has since 1998 is become the location for the Baza Municipal Museum

The Old Butchers Shops
These old buildings known as Antiguas Carnicerias, dating to 1568, are an excellent example of Mudejar architecture. The wooden balconies are typical of that era.

Golden Spouts – Fountain
In the Camino de Lorca is a fountain called Caños Dorados which was built in 1607. The fountain was used by farm workers and travellers alike. It is a decorative four-jet fountain, with a commemorative inscription.

The Enríquez Palace
This renaissance building was used a country house and has an Italian look to it, making it unique in Andalusia. The construction was commissioned by Don Enrique Enríquez and his wife Doña María de la Luna, who were aunt and uncle to the Catholic Royals. Some structural changes have taken place since initial construction in 1506. The interior decoration is mainly renaissance in style, with many examples of Mudejar armoury.

The Royal Granary Building
The Real Pósito was built in 1762 during the reign of Carlos III, this building has a fine patio and above the main entrance is the royal insignia. Not only was the building used to store grains, but it was also the venue for theatrical events.

Palace of the Royal Duke
Palacio del Duque del Infantado was one of the first buildings erected in the town of Baza after the Christian conquest. According to the date inscribed above the entrance door, it was built in 1491 and is in the style of a palatial residence.
