Cadiz Carnival - Fascinating Fact 3 - Dress up

Costumes aren't just about dressing up © Michelle Chaplow
Costumes aren't just about dressing up

Cadiz Carnival - Fascinating Fact 3 - Dress up

Costumes at the Cadiz Carnaval are about more than doing clever things with face paint and papier mache; they are social levellers. Going back centuries, disfraces were essential in breaking down social barriers, helping classes to come together, providing freedom from repression. People could let loose, follow their instincts, dress up as duchesses or peasants, or fantastical creatures. They also had a unique opportunity to lampoon authority with impunity - the church, the government, the ruling classes. This tradition of criticizing and poking fun at famous personalities, such as politicians, singers and actors, remains central to the Carnaval, and even continued throughout the Franco era (see Fact I).

  • Fact 1 - Franco banned the Cadiz Carnaval, but it carried on
  • Fact 2 - Carnaval´s timing is closely tied to religious festivals, like most Spanish fiestas, but also has roots in classical times
  • Fact 3 - Costumes aren't just about dressing up
  • Fact 4 - The Venice Carnival was also a major influence
  • Fact 5 - Listen to beats from all over the world at Cadiz Carnaval
  • Cadiz Carnival - Fascinating Facts
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