Living in a foreign country is a wonderful and enriching experience, which requires that you understand the local customs and ways of doing things - these may be considerably different from what you've experienced in your home country.
Insurance is one of the areas which thoses living in or relocating to Spain will have to consider, and whilst many blue chip international insurers are present in the Spanish market, their policy terms and conditions will often vary from what they offer in other countries.
The ever increasing number of foreigner residents spending long periods of the year in Spain, has led to a specialist insurance market developing to cater for the needs of this group, which among other things offers policies in a variety of languages.
A resident in Spain will probably need to consider buying motor insurance, home insurance, private health insurance, and depending on their hobbies and pastimes, perhaps yacht insurance, golf buggy insurance etc.
Whilst property ownership in Spain is for the most part an enormously satisfying experience, it does at times present some challenges. Over the years, several cases of planning breaches, lack of… More →
If you live in southern Spain and plan to travel either nationally or internationally, you would be wise to acquire a travel insurance policy that is adapted to your needs. A good travel insurance… More →
Boating and water-based activities are extremely popular in Andalucia, and RD 607/1999 makes it obligatory for any motorized vessel to carry third-party liability insurance. The minimum limit for… More →
As Benjamin Franklin famously said, "the only certainties in life are death and taxes", and it can make sense to plan for this eventuality so you-re not caught unprepared. The emotional impact of… More →
Whilst not obligatory in Spain, most people choose to insure their home - it's usually the biggest investment they make in their lives. Also, in the event that your property has a mortgage, the… More →
Spanish law requires that all motor vehicles in Spain must have third party insurance in place, designed to compensate third parties injured or who suffer loss in a road traffic accident. The… More →
Advances in medicine, longer life expectancy, overburdened state health services and the rapidly rising cost of healthcare, mean that more and more people are turning to private health insurance.… More →
We all know that our pets are as much a part of our family as our parents, our spouses, and our children and frequently, they are the less of a cause for aggravation or concern. However, when… More →
Numerous insurance companies operate from Gibraltar. Like banks, some are licensed by Gibraltar and thus fully regulated by Gibraltar's FSC (Financial Services… More →