
Map of Seville province showing the Comarcas
Map of Seville province showing the Comarcas


Aljarafe is the name of a 'comarca' (region or area) in the north to north east of the province of Seville. It is made up from 30 municipal districts and even more small villages.

The municipal districts are Almensilla, Albaida del Aljarafe, Aznalcázar, Benacazón, Bollulos de la Mitación, Bormujos, Camas, Castilleja de la Cuesta, Castilleja del Campo, Castilleja de Guzmán, Carrión de los Céspedes, Coria del Río, Espartinas, Gelves, Gines, Huévar del Aljarafe, La Puebla del Riío, Mairena del Aljarafe, Olivares, Palomares del Río, Pilas, Salteras, San Juan del Aznalfarache, Sanlúcar la Mayor, Santiponce, Tomares, Umbrete, Valencina de la Concepción, Villamanrique de la Condesa and Villanueva del Ariscal.

Aljarafe is bounded on the west by Huelva, to the north by Sierra Norte, to the east by the Metropolitan Area and to the south by the and La Campiña.

The largest town is Coria del Río, famous for its Japanese heritage, saddlery, esparto or wicker, embroidery and regional garments.


Villanueva del Ariscal was an agricultural town previously known as Villanueva Aliscar. It has about 6,400 inhabitants.

Valencina del Concepción is home to the well known Dolmens of Valencina. It has about 7,900 inhabitants.

Tomares is an agricultural suburban town of Seville, inhabited by many who look to live outside the city but close enough to commute to the centre for work. It has about 24, 800 inhabitants.

Santiponce is home to the Roman ruins of Itálica, which are probably the best-known features of the area. The town is also part of two important routes: the Ruta de la Plata and the Ruta Bética… More →

Sanlúcar La Mayor is close to the Corredor Verde del Guadiamar, a natural passageway following the middle stretch of the River Guadiamar. It has about 13, 500 inhabitants.

San Juan del Aznalfarache is most well known for being the location where the headquarters of RTVA (Radio and Television of Andalusia), also known as Canal Sur, was established. It has about 21,… More →

Salteras was once inhabited during the prehistoric ages and also through Roman and Moorish civilizations, only being converted into a town after the Christian conquest. It has about 5,500… More →

Pilas had a fast growing pottery trade that came about after the Romans settled in the area. It has about 14, 000m inhabitants.

Palomares del Río originally began as an agricultural village eventually turning into a thriving residential town due to its proximity to the capital. It has about 8,300 inhabitants.

Olivares is a Roman town with great history that can be discovered by walking the streets observing its various historical buildings and sites. It has about 9,400 inhabitants.

Mairena del Aljarafe derives from the Arabic translation of "Maharana" meaning, "shepherds herd", confirming its rich agricultural origins, unlike the thriving sub-urban town it has become today.… More →

La Puebla del Rio was an important commercial centre in the Roman era. Nowadays the town’s economy is primarily sustained by its rice production. The town is also the birthplace of a few famous… More →

Huévar del Aljarafe is located at the basin of the Guadiamar River and forms part of the Corredor Verde del Guadiamar, a protected natural area that connects Doñana with the Sierra Morena. It has… More →

Gines is an agricultural town developed by the Romans and Moors, from the original Haciendas (farms) such as the Marqués de Torrenueva or the Santo Ángel. It has about 13, 200 inhabitants.

Gelves offers visitors a unique trip on a catamaran down one of the various routes of the Guadalquivir River. The trip departs from the river's Puerto Deportivo. One of the most interesting trips… More →

Espartinas has a unique appreciation for bulls and religion, hosting the Exposición Nacional de Escultura Religiosa (National Religious Sculpture Exhibition) every November and the many bullfights… More →

Coria del Río was written by the River Guadalquivir, bringing the Phoenicians, Tartessians, Romans and Arabs to the town. It has about 30, 400 inhabitants.

The roots of Castilleja del Campo, as shown by the tombs, mosaics and clay work found in the area, stem from the Roman era. This town was also a key defensive point during the Christian raids in… More →

Castilleja de la Cuesta has always been specifically well known for the production of homemade desserts but more recently has become a large retail town. It has about 17, 500 inhabitants.

Castilleja de Guzmán as an agricultural village achieved great importance during Moorish reign, so much so that Commander Almanzor resided here. It has about 2800 inhabitants.

Carrión de los Céspedes was created where an old Arabic farming town once existed and so this could be the reason that half of the working population are involved in the agriculture business. One… More →

Camas is a suburban town of Seville originally built over old farmland from the Moorish era. Also famous for producing many good bullfighters due to its bullfighting school. It has about 27, 200… More →

Bormujos is an agricultural suburban town of Seville, inhabited by many who look to live outside the city but close enough to commute to the centre for work. It has about 21,400 inhabitants.

Bollullos de la Mitación has one of the most interesting artistic features of the town hidden away in the Capilla de San Martín de Tours (chapel). It has about 10,300 inhabitants.

Benacazón is a diverse agricultural village producing olives, fruits, specifically cherries orchards, as well as being known for its good quality beef. It has about 7000 inhabitants.

Aznalcázar is one of the thirteen villages located within the Doñana National Park. It has about 4400 inhabitants.

Almensilla was built over farmland that, in the Middle Ages, was converted into a hamlet belonging to Palomares del Río. It has about 5900 inhabitants.

Albaida del Aljarafe has a rich and thriving agricultural industry, cultivating 703 hectares of olive groves as well as grain, seeds and livestock. It has about 3000 inhabitants.

Umbrete is not only known for its production of excellent and highly rated mosto (grape juice), but also for its historic and artistic wealth. It has about 8,600 inhabitants.

Aljarafe is the name of a 'comarca' (region or area) in the north to north east of the province of Seville. It is made up from 30 municipal districts and even more small villages.

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